Wednesday, 31 October 2012
What's The Difference Between Marketing and Selling?
In marketing luxury real estate, many agents and brokers often fall into the trap of selling instead of marketing. Marketing is matchmaking. It requires concisely communicating the essence of your distinct promise of value to your ideal target market as you address their most pressing needs. If your communication is clear your ideal prospects should instantly recognize that you, not your competition, are the right match.
Selling is trying to convince those prospects that are not really a match to you that they should work with you or buy from you anyway. The need to sell comes from the false notion that there is a scarcity of ideal clients out there. But, the truth is that the time you waste trying to win over non-ideal clients and slogging your way through difficult transactions distracts you from opportunities to meet and work with perfect matches,
As discouragement and feelings of powerlessness set in, you begin to lower your standards and expectations. You find yourself on the “chain of pain” attracting more non-ideal clients and more problematic transactions.
What is important to keep in mind is that people like to do business with people like themselves. Your ideal client is looking for you just as much as you are looking for them. And, they hang out with others who are like-minded. It is only natural for them to refer you to their friends. It gives them personal satisfaction and also social currency to facilitate a successful referral. When this occurs you find yourself on the “chain of gain” instead of the chain of pain.
Marketing done right is effortless because you are achieving an alignment of self-interests yours and your ideal client’s. Selling may give you the immediate gratification of momentary wins, but it will burn you out in the long run.
The most successful luxury real estate agents and brokers are passionate marketing professionals not selling professionals. When you sell a home, the sale itself is the very last thing that occurs in the process of meeting the needs of your ideal clients. There is actually one more step. And, that is getting paid for doing something that you love to do.
Credits for this post go to
Monday, 13 August 2012
Real Estate Success Comes By Being Remarkable "All The Time"!!
Being at the top of your game as a luxury real estate marketing professional requires being consistently remarkable. Market leadership requires it.
When was the last time you felt uplifted by a customer service experience? How many people did you tell about it? Did you go out of your way to acknowledge this to the service provider and or their superiors?
You may consider this a random act of kindness. But, it is just as important as leaving big TIPS (to insure prompt service). And, it keeps you focused on being remarkable, yourself.
People tend to pass along, to others, their negative experiences at a significantly higher rate than their positive ones. So what can you do to ignite a chain reaction of positive buzz about YOU? Be remarkable in some way that stands out from your competition. Then be consistent at being remarkable!
Being consistently remarkable is a true sign of a market leader. Super Value exemplifies this principle, brilliantly. Super Value, is a privately owned, grocery store with the longest successful business history in the Bahamas. Their company culture is very strong. They take great care of their people and they have a knack for consistently selecting great people.
One of the most consistently remarkable attributes of this fine company is their esprit de corps, otherwise known as team spirit. You always feel uplifted by the high positive energy among the employees. Everyone pitches in to help each other, too. Job satisfaction must be very high as we often ask the Super Value staff if they enjoy their job. The answer is a resounding yes, every time.
Discover what you can be consistently remarkable about in your luxury real estate marketing practice. Then, practice deliberate acts of kindness by letting others know that you appreciate their remarkable service. This keeps you focused on being remarkable, too.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
In Luxury Home Design "Real Books" Are In!
As a luxury real estate marketing professional, it is important to keep up with the trends of luxury home design. Although kitchens, man/woman caves, master suites are still considered as leaders in exceptional home designs, the home library is emerging as a “must have room” in luxury homes and apartments. Architectural Design magazines have dedicated a large portion of their recent issues to library designs, featuring many luxury homes with exceptional libraries.
The idea of having a home library can be traced to Roman times. A sign of a well respected Roman was demonstrated by his library regardless of whether he could read or not. It was a symbol of status and intelligence. Today’s home owners are designing libraries as an expression of their personality, a retreat from all the usual home noises, a way to display their book collections, and a comfortable place to curl up to read a book.
With the advent of digital readers, and the closing of many of the larger book chain stores (Borders and Barnes & Noble), it seemed that “real” books were doomed to extinction. However, used book stores are reporting a large uptick in sales to a new customer base: 30 plus years old. These young homeowners are walking in to buy books by the foot, or specific collections to display in their newly designed libraries. They want their children to experience “real” books. Rare book dealer Donald Heald a 40 year old New York company has noticed that his clientele now also includes a growing number of individuals in their 30’s.
“If you want to own a great atlas of London from the 18th century, that when you hold it in your hands you’re transported, there is no app for that,” Mr. Heald says.
The trend for a library in the home is also appearing in median home prices. Many home owners are building shelves for books. DIY shows and magazines are giving detailed instructions on how to build shelving and library nooks. From a book lovers’ perspective, it is reassuring that all things digital do not always rule the home roost.
Friday, 8 June 2012
Market Leadership Pt. 2
Here is success secret that you can apply not only to marketing luxury real estate, but to all aspects of life, as well. It is an essential pillar of what we call the inner game of market leadership.
There are two types of action: effortful action and inspired action. One is definitely more fun than the other. Inspired action just feels better. But, why is that so?
Effortful action is the result of a mindset that is riddled with self contradictions and/or self-doubt. You want to list a luxury home but, the sellers insist on an unrealistic sales price. You have the notion that there is a scarcity of potential listings and you take it against your better judgment. Then, to make it more palatable, you justify this choice by telling yourself that it is a trophy listing, that it will help you get more listings of this caliber and attract more buyers.
Every action that you take to market this home can potentially be effortful because of your internal contradictions. You say to yourself, “I just closed a deal on another house because I acquired a buyer who was originally interested in this over-priced listing, so it was worth it”. But, then you dread having to fight with the owners to lower the price.
It is entirely possible this is your M.O. (modus operandi) and you actually enjoy this listing game plan. For you, it is fun. But, if you are taking overpriced listings because you believe that there is a scarcity of business, this approach will be fraught with effort, even if you do not readily admit it (to yourself).
There is no effortful action required when you have an accurate price in an active market. That does not mean that proven negotiation skills are not required. Under these circumstances, negotiations are usually based on inspired actions making the transactions challenging at time but much more fun.
At times, it takes resolve to keep your self-doubts and scarcity mentality at bay. Maintaining an abundant mindset requires consistent focus, and that takes practice. But, the rewards of inspired action that flow from this state of mind, vs. effortful action are plentiful: pure joy, loving what you do, enhanced health and a grounded sense of well being. This is what it feels like to win the inner game of market leadership
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
The Secret Behind Market Leadership
This is the beginning of a new article series for luxury real estate marketing professionals who have embraced the personal quest of gaining or sustaining market leadership. Here we cover the “inner game” of market leadership.
We have all heard or experienced firsthand that winning the game of golf or tennis, or sports in general, is more mental than physical. True, it is important to have the right physical attributes required to win. But, what matters most, the determining factor for beating a worthy opponent is mindset. In marketing luxury real estate anyone with the means can outspend their competition. But, out-thinking your opponent requires tremendous focus and momentum.
Cultivating and maintaining peak performance in business and in life involves having the right attitude which is the starting point of the inner game. It also requires the alignment of your thoughts and inspired (vs. effortful) action. A negative attitude diminishes your perspective. It is the indication that your thoughts are not aligned. Effortful action follows the misalignment of thought.
Your attitude is a reflection of your belief in yourself or lack thereof. If you do not believe you can become the market leader or if you believe that you cannot hold on to the leadership position that you have achieved it will taint every other thought you have about your luxury real estate practice.
The bottom line on gaining and sustaining market leadership comes down to sustaining the “I Can” belief overtime, without allowing the contradiction of that thought to have any power. Like the children’s story, “The Little Engine that Could”, it is a matter of creating a focused momentum of belief, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”. Then, you must notice and appreciate any and all evidence of progress that supports this belief, until you can say “I thought I could”, I thought I could, I thought I could”.
Again, the experience of achieving this state of mind necessitates total concentration. That is, ignoring those who may attempt to distract you, discourage you, or try to convince you that you are not worthy of success. Additionally, there is almost a magnetic pull that you must defy, a pull to conform to mediocrity, a pull to not change the status quo. But, once you break free of this “force field”, another magnetic force field draws you nearer to your goal. That is when momentum propels you faster with even less effort.
You are never too old to listen to the wisdom and optimism of that story about the momentum of belief in yourself. It is a key component in the inner game of market leadership.
Friday, 18 May 2012
Stay In "The Know"!!
As a luxury real estate marketing professional it is important to be well versed in all the cultures that surround us and particularly those in your marketplace. Keeping up with the latest in tech and media allows you to better suit the needs of your clients. It is a great way to establish rapport with a potential client, and to become the go to person for that community.
As a luxury real estate marketing professional, it is important to continue to meet the current needs of potential clients on your web site. It's also essential that you are aware of the new tools and apps that can help you better serve your customers.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Be A Top Dog!
If you want to be top dog, step out of the pack..
In case you haven't noticed, nearly all Real estate web sites look just alike. Many of them even make it difficult to find the name of the agent - so they may as well be company sites. No one agent stands out as better or even different. They're all just members of the pack, and as far as a prospect can tell, it doesn't matter which they choose, because they are all alike.
But that's not true is it? All agents are NOT created equal.
Some agents (like you) work hard to help both buyers and sellers. Some (like you) take the time to become experts in their field - learning all they can about their communities, studying real estate marketing so their listings sell faster, and honing their negotiation skills to better protect and advise their clients. Some create specialty niches and become THE expert in those niches.
And some... don't.
Friday, 27 April 2012
What Message Are You Sending?
One of the key components of strategic branding and marketing, when marketing luxury real estate is thoroughly knowing the mindset of your target market and speaking to them in their language. That is what is known in marketing terms as messaging. When you can communicate your extraordinary promise of value succinctly, i.e., with an economy of words and graphics, and you can do so on an emotional level, with passion, your chances of success increase exponentially
The client should feel as if what they get from you isn’t just a product; rather the ability to do more of what they love, for as long as they want. That’s should be your promise. The message you send forth should be one that lures and captures your client keeping them for a lifetime!!
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Company Branding Start With Trust
Developing a personal or company brand for luxury real estate marketing professionals involves the same branding process that is required by any major corporation. The fundamentals are the same whether you are targeting the upper demographic or Middle America, whether you offer a product or a service, locally, regionally or globally. The primary goal of branding or rebranding is regaining, obtaining and retaining trust.
Here is an overview of the branding process:
1.Take the time to understand the most pressing needs of your customers or clients in the context of your capacity to fill that need.
2.Tune in to your own “DNA” and determine precisely what your unique promise of value is or can be in that context.
3.Distill that promise of value into a compelling marketing message that can be expressed in just a few words.
4.Craft a symbol (logo/brand identity) that further accelerates the speed of communication of that promise of value and also the speed of trust
5.Align all of your marketing efforts (from the first contact with your client to the follow up after the sale) in such a way that you consistently communicate this singular message
Here is an overview of the branding process:
1.Take the time to understand the most pressing needs of your customers or clients in the context of your capacity to fill that need.
2.Tune in to your own “DNA” and determine precisely what your unique promise of value is or can be in that context.
3.Distill that promise of value into a compelling marketing message that can be expressed in just a few words.
4.Craft a symbol (logo/brand identity) that further accelerates the speed of communication of that promise of value and also the speed of trust
5.Align all of your marketing efforts (from the first contact with your client to the follow up after the sale) in such a way that you consistently communicate this singular message
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Be Above Average!
As a luxury real estate marketing professional, you know that referrals are the best way to ensure the success of your business. The number of referrals you get are indicative of the service you give, and the success you will continue to have. When you give your clients something remarkable to talk about, they will go out of their way to refer you. Go above and beyond to provide excellent service!
Monday, 2 April 2012
Know How Your Clients' Minds Work!
Understanding the mindset of your high net worth clients is a high priority when you are marketing luxury real estate. The ability to temporarily step out of your own mode of thinking and see the world through they eyes is one of the keys to becoming a market leader. It is essential to maintaining any great relationship.
People take different routes to arrive at the same place. They solve problems from different angles. They see the world through different paradigms or frameworks of thought. Your ability to see their way and demonstrate that you can solve problems using their methodology can go a long way in gaining their trust. You do not have to abandon your own preferences in the process. Most people just want to be understood.
Here is an example of how it works. Remember word problems in math? Some of you might cringe at at the thought. But, try this one for fun.
If you have 8 balls of yarn and it takes 2/3 of a ball to make a scarf, how many scarves can you make with this much yarn?
Using typical mathematic methodology this can be accomplished by dividing 8 by 2/3, which is the same as multiplying 8 by3/2 (inverting the fraction 2/3 to 3/2 and multiplying), 8/1 x3/2 =24/2 or 12 scarves.
Someone else might that I can get at least 8 scarves out of this because it does not take a whole ball to knit one. That would leave a 1/3 ball from each of those 8 scarves, and I need 2 of those remaining 1/3 balls to make another one. Since I have 8 (1/3 balls left, I need 2 of those for each additional scarf. I can divide 8 by 2 and get 4 more scarves for a total of 12 scarves.
Both approaches get you to the same place. Which method is right? Which method is best? Is there only one way to get there? Perhaps you prefer one method over the other. But if you can understand how others think and are willing to demonstrate that you understand their approach, you will find that they are suddenly more receptive to understanding your way, too.
This can translate into more listings and more closed transactions.
People take different routes to arrive at the same place. They solve problems from different angles. They see the world through different paradigms or frameworks of thought. Your ability to see their way and demonstrate that you can solve problems using their methodology can go a long way in gaining their trust. You do not have to abandon your own preferences in the process. Most people just want to be understood.
Here is an example of how it works. Remember word problems in math? Some of you might cringe at at the thought. But, try this one for fun.
If you have 8 balls of yarn and it takes 2/3 of a ball to make a scarf, how many scarves can you make with this much yarn?
Using typical mathematic methodology this can be accomplished by dividing 8 by 2/3, which is the same as multiplying 8 by3/2 (inverting the fraction 2/3 to 3/2 and multiplying), 8/1 x3/2 =24/2 or 12 scarves.
Someone else might that I can get at least 8 scarves out of this because it does not take a whole ball to knit one. That would leave a 1/3 ball from each of those 8 scarves, and I need 2 of those remaining 1/3 balls to make another one. Since I have 8 (1/3 balls left, I need 2 of those for each additional scarf. I can divide 8 by 2 and get 4 more scarves for a total of 12 scarves.
Both approaches get you to the same place. Which method is right? Which method is best? Is there only one way to get there? Perhaps you prefer one method over the other. But if you can understand how others think and are willing to demonstrate that you understand their approach, you will find that they are suddenly more receptive to understanding your way, too.
This can translate into more listings and more closed transactions.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Five Important Rental Factors
When renting a home, don’t settle for the first place that comes along. A variety of important details should be analyzed prior to signing a lease. By doing this, you can be sure that your new home will be truly comfortable and convenient.
1. Location
Take into consideration the proximity of the rental property to your place of work or to your child’s school. Also, find out about the neighborhood where you may live. Is it safe? Is it situated on a busy road? Is it far from your family and friends? You will want to find a place that meets the needs of all members of your family.
2. Price
Although many beautiful homes are available to rent, make sure that you can really afford the rental property you will live in. Experts recommend that the rent be no more than 30% of your take home salary.
3. Closely Examine the Rental Property
While you may fall in love with a rental property immediately, but stop to consider the amenities in the home. Find out what appliances are included in the rent such as a stove, refrigerator and washing machine. In an apartment, take note of how many walls are shared with other apartments. This will affect how much noise you will hear in the apartment. Also, point out any damage you may notice in the home and find out if these things will be fixed. This way you cannot be blamed for causing the damage when you decide to find a new home later on.
4. Carefully Read the Lease
Before signing, find out how long of a lease is required and how much deposit is necessary before moving into the rental property. Also, find out what services are included, such as internet and trash pickup.
5. Rental Insurance
The final factor to note once in your new place is rental insurance. Taking out rental insurance will protect your personal property in case of theft, fire and other damage.
1. Location
Take into consideration the proximity of the rental property to your place of work or to your child’s school. Also, find out about the neighborhood where you may live. Is it safe? Is it situated on a busy road? Is it far from your family and friends? You will want to find a place that meets the needs of all members of your family.
2. Price
Although many beautiful homes are available to rent, make sure that you can really afford the rental property you will live in. Experts recommend that the rent be no more than 30% of your take home salary.
3. Closely Examine the Rental Property
While you may fall in love with a rental property immediately, but stop to consider the amenities in the home. Find out what appliances are included in the rent such as a stove, refrigerator and washing machine. In an apartment, take note of how many walls are shared with other apartments. This will affect how much noise you will hear in the apartment. Also, point out any damage you may notice in the home and find out if these things will be fixed. This way you cannot be blamed for causing the damage when you decide to find a new home later on.
4. Carefully Read the Lease
Before signing, find out how long of a lease is required and how much deposit is necessary before moving into the rental property. Also, find out what services are included, such as internet and trash pickup.
5. Rental Insurance
The final factor to note once in your new place is rental insurance. Taking out rental insurance will protect your personal property in case of theft, fire and other damage.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Know What Your Time Is Worth!
As a luxury real estate marketing professional it is important to constantly improve the way you run your business. Inefficiency in any business is equal to amount of time wasted. In financial terms this is known as return on investment or ROI. First, you have to establish what your hour is worth. Then, keep a diary of all the things you do in a day and note the time you are spending on doing these items. What is your return on the time you spent doing that cycle of action? Could some of these items be delegated to someone else whose hourly rate is considerably less than yours?
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Read more:
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
What’s My Home Worth?
If you are like most people, your home represents your single largest investment, both financially and emotionally. The consideration of selling is hard enough but selling it for a price that is significantly below its value is devistating!!!
Before selling your home you wan to be absolutely certain of your houses value. Having an evaluation of your property is highly recommended before listing a price for your home.
Here’s the deal, your home is only worth what someone will pay for it. No mater how much you bought it for, how much you owe, or how much you truly love your home, it is only worth what the market will bear. However knowing the value of your home sets u at an advantage for negotiations. it is better to over price and to be talked down than to sell quickly at a lost!
Before selling your home you wan to be absolutely certain of your houses value. Having an evaluation of your property is highly recommended before listing a price for your home.
Here’s the deal, your home is only worth what someone will pay for it. No mater how much you bought it for, how much you owe, or how much you truly love your home, it is only worth what the market will bear. However knowing the value of your home sets u at an advantage for negotiations. it is better to over price and to be talked down than to sell quickly at a lost!
Friday, 9 March 2012
Short Sales- Best For Second Home Ownership
In today’s economic climate, the media has put a lot of focus on short sales. While the foreclosure process is a fairly well understood practice, the short sale process is not and people are left wondering what they are.
According to, a short sale is when a lender agrees to accept a mortgage payoff amount that is less than what is owed to facilitate a sale of the property by a financially distressed owner. The lender forgives the remaining balance of the loan.
Short sales can be a very big hassle, but the up side is getting a property for a substantial discount. However, the process should not be taken on alone. Buyers will need the assistance of an experienced agent who has a good track record with short sales.”
For buyers looking to purchase a second or third property, a short sale may be the perfect match, said the villa rental professional. This type of buyer typically has no move-in deadline, which is best when dealing with short sales, as the process can take anywhere from three to 12 months to close.
According to, a short sale is when a lender agrees to accept a mortgage payoff amount that is less than what is owed to facilitate a sale of the property by a financially distressed owner. The lender forgives the remaining balance of the loan.
Short sales can be a very big hassle, but the up side is getting a property for a substantial discount. However, the process should not be taken on alone. Buyers will need the assistance of an experienced agent who has a good track record with short sales.”
For buyers looking to purchase a second or third property, a short sale may be the perfect match, said the villa rental professional. This type of buyer typically has no move-in deadline, which is best when dealing with short sales, as the process can take anywhere from three to 12 months to close.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
$150M Trust Urged To Rescue Housing Market
The Government was yesterday urged to invest $100-$150 million into a Foreclosure Trust as a way to solve this nation's mortgage/housing crisis, a well-known businessman telling Tribune Business that the returns generated for it and Bahamian society would be "much greater" than the ongoing infrastructure projects.
Dr. Johnathan Rodgers, the 'eye' doctor and key behind-the-scenes plannerfor the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), in a column sent to The Tribune said that with $450 million of commercial bank mortgage loans some 90 days past due, the Bahamas faced being stuck with a depressed housing market "for some time to come".
This, in turn, would reduce economic activity and earningd for sectors such as real estate, construction and attorneys, plus depress tax and utility bill payment, prompting Dr. Rodgers to unveil a three-pronged solution.
This Fund, he suggested, would be employed to aquire distressed mortgage loans (those over 90 days past due, and upon which interest has stopped accuring) at a discount from Bahamian commercial banks.
Dr. Johnathan Rodgers, the 'eye' doctor and key behind-the-scenes plannerfor the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), in a column sent to The Tribune said that with $450 million of commercial bank mortgage loans some 90 days past due, the Bahamas faced being stuck with a depressed housing market "for some time to come".
This, in turn, would reduce economic activity and earningd for sectors such as real estate, construction and attorneys, plus depress tax and utility bill payment, prompting Dr. Rodgers to unveil a three-pronged solution.
This Fund, he suggested, would be employed to aquire distressed mortgage loans (those over 90 days past due, and upon which interest has stopped accuring) at a discount from Bahamian commercial banks.
Monday, 20 February 2012
5 Don'ts When Selling Your Home
1- Choosing the wrong agent.
Seek out an agent who knows your area and demonstrates that he or she has a level of expertise with which you feel comfortable.
Your real estate agent is someone you’re going to have to communicate with on a fairly frequent basis, make sure that your communication styles compliment each other, because breakdowns in communication potentially can lead to quite an unpleasant listing and sales process.
2- Only considering home sales in your area.
Of course, you want to consider what homes in your area have sold for in recent months but don’t exclude homes in other areas that are on the market.
Essentially, you are competing with these other homes for buyers, you need to take them into consideration.
Look at your home constructively and ask yourself how it compares to others for sale in your neighborhood and in your city.
3- Ignoring the power of the Internet.
The world is on the Internet these days, and information about your home listing should be, too. It is common for people to begin their house-hunting expedition online. When they find your listing, make sure it is packed with photos. It’s cliche, but a picture truly does paint a thousand words.
Post photos of your home’s interior and exterior. Do you have incredible landscaping? Show that off. Is your family room particularly inviting? People will want to see that.
4- Skimping on marketing.
If you want to get your home sold quickly, it is vital that a marketing plan be created.
These days, it’s increasingly easier to market homes because there are so many social media outlets at the disposal of not just Realtors, but homeowners as well.
Ask your Realtor what specific marketing tools they will use to list your home. Real estate marketing sites abound. A growing number of agents markets their listings on social media sites including Twitter, Facebook and even LinkedIn.
You can even use your own social media networks to spread the word that your home is for sale. Word of mouth is a powerful tool.
5- Following potential buyers around when showing your home.
It’s like being swooped down on as soon as you drive onto a car lot- people don’t like to feel crowded, pressured or spied on by the homeowner when they look at a home.
We advise our clients not to be home during a showings, buyers feel nervous about thoroughly inspecting a home when the owners are there.
Avoiding these five mistakes can help you get closer to your goal of a quick home sale.
Seek out an agent who knows your area and demonstrates that he or she has a level of expertise with which you feel comfortable.
Your real estate agent is someone you’re going to have to communicate with on a fairly frequent basis, make sure that your communication styles compliment each other, because breakdowns in communication potentially can lead to quite an unpleasant listing and sales process.
2- Only considering home sales in your area.
Of course, you want to consider what homes in your area have sold for in recent months but don’t exclude homes in other areas that are on the market.
Essentially, you are competing with these other homes for buyers, you need to take them into consideration.
Look at your home constructively and ask yourself how it compares to others for sale in your neighborhood and in your city.
3- Ignoring the power of the Internet.
The world is on the Internet these days, and information about your home listing should be, too. It is common for people to begin their house-hunting expedition online. When they find your listing, make sure it is packed with photos. It’s cliche, but a picture truly does paint a thousand words.
Post photos of your home’s interior and exterior. Do you have incredible landscaping? Show that off. Is your family room particularly inviting? People will want to see that.
4- Skimping on marketing.
If you want to get your home sold quickly, it is vital that a marketing plan be created.
These days, it’s increasingly easier to market homes because there are so many social media outlets at the disposal of not just Realtors, but homeowners as well.
Ask your Realtor what specific marketing tools they will use to list your home. Real estate marketing sites abound. A growing number of agents markets their listings on social media sites including Twitter, Facebook and even LinkedIn.
You can even use your own social media networks to spread the word that your home is for sale. Word of mouth is a powerful tool.
5- Following potential buyers around when showing your home.
It’s like being swooped down on as soon as you drive onto a car lot- people don’t like to feel crowded, pressured or spied on by the homeowner when they look at a home.
We advise our clients not to be home during a showings, buyers feel nervous about thoroughly inspecting a home when the owners are there.
Avoiding these five mistakes can help you get closer to your goal of a quick home sale.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Don't Lose A Client Before They Become A Client
A consumer’s first impression of a company or luxury real estate marketing professional is of paramount importance. If you manage to make an indelible positive first impression, your next challenge is to be consistent with every subsequent encounter over time. That is if you want to have a customer for life. Here is an examples that illustrate this point.
Recently, I had to get in touch with an executive manager of one of the largest resorts here in The Bahamas. I made several attempts that were to no avail. I left a number of messages, on their voice mail and with their assistant; as I was prompted to do so with the promise of a returned phone call that I did not get.
What if I were a potential client looking to make a purchase with a 6 Million dollar budget? That company would definitely have been crossed off my list for failing to show me that as a potential client I would be satisfied by the level of customer service provided.
Great first impressions need to be made upon first encounters. But, every single subsequent encounter must be great to create a customer for life.
Recently, I had to get in touch with an executive manager of one of the largest resorts here in The Bahamas. I made several attempts that were to no avail. I left a number of messages, on their voice mail and with their assistant; as I was prompted to do so with the promise of a returned phone call that I did not get.
What if I were a potential client looking to make a purchase with a 6 Million dollar budget? That company would definitely have been crossed off my list for failing to show me that as a potential client I would be satisfied by the level of customer service provided.
Great first impressions need to be made upon first encounters. But, every single subsequent encounter must be great to create a customer for life.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Get Noticed!!
What is the key to getting noticed, being remembered, and getting referrals? It’s simple actually, the answer is building strong, lasting client relationships. The most effective way to do this is by keeping in constant contact with them and leaving a gift behind to remind them of you later. A phrase used for this type of self advertising is “Pop By”. You want to Pop By clients, old and new, on a regular basis.
And it doesn’t matter which market you find yourself in. If it’s booming, you need to keep in constant contact with all your many clients and hit the pavement to get those FSBOs in your trusted hands. When it’s a slow, dragging market, you need spend a lot of time building long lasting relationships with the few clients you have at the time so they think of you every time hear of a friend who wants to sell. And you need to hit the pavement and gobble up those listings that have expired. After all, who wants to be sitting at the office making cold calls all day? Every agent’s dream is to be working completely by referral. And this is done by keeping in constant communication with your clients and building new relationships with their referrals.
So start a campaign! Whether it’s gobbling up those expireds, getting the latest FSBOS to trust in you, or keeping your past clients within arms reach, you need to start a campaign that’s all your own. Use gifts that are small, inexpensive and something you can easily personalize by attaching a tag or business card. Another key point to this style of gift is to add a smart, witty tag line so the client actually remembers what they read. You can make cookies and write “I’ve got the recipe to your success.” What ever you decide to do be creative and catchy!
And it doesn’t matter which market you find yourself in. If it’s booming, you need to keep in constant contact with all your many clients and hit the pavement to get those FSBOs in your trusted hands. When it’s a slow, dragging market, you need spend a lot of time building long lasting relationships with the few clients you have at the time so they think of you every time hear of a friend who wants to sell. And you need to hit the pavement and gobble up those listings that have expired. After all, who wants to be sitting at the office making cold calls all day? Every agent’s dream is to be working completely by referral. And this is done by keeping in constant communication with your clients and building new relationships with their referrals.
So start a campaign! Whether it’s gobbling up those expireds, getting the latest FSBOS to trust in you, or keeping your past clients within arms reach, you need to start a campaign that’s all your own. Use gifts that are small, inexpensive and something you can easily personalize by attaching a tag or business card. Another key point to this style of gift is to add a smart, witty tag line so the client actually remembers what they read. You can make cookies and write “I’ve got the recipe to your success.” What ever you decide to do be creative and catchy!
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Greatness Comes From Plans Executed On Purpose
Ok, this is about time and money, and how they affect each other. But the real lesson to learn is not how this property or that note is worth more or less now than five years from now. It’s about understanding the physics used in planning, as we incorporate various strategies. Nothing is immune to time. As a concept, time will not be mocked. Just when you think you’ve pulled one over on life’s investment wall clock, it comes back to crush your spirit.
Time also has velocity. Does something happen sooner? Or, does it happen later? ‘Course, the million dollar question is — whenever it happened, was it planned? When investing in real estate understanding precisely when you want an event to happen is often crucial to the successful execution of your overall Plan. An example is cash flow vs capital growth, a subject about which I’ve written extensively here. Your timing for either one might be pure poison to the next guy over, who’s sportin’ a 20 year age difference.
When talkin’ about turning a buck into more than a buck, we universally prefer sooner over later, and more rather than less, right? Right. Setting safety aside for the moment, the faster our capital grows, the better we like it. The bigger piles of cash we create are better than smaller piles. None of this is E = mc2. We generally do better as investors when things grow more quickly, and returns are better when they grow to larger amounts. Captain Obvious lives.
We must ensure our understanding of time, money, growth, and strategy aren’t convoluted when it comes to planning. It’s one thing to understand the time value of money, so to speak. It’s quite another to use that knowledge in a coherent strategy or strategies.
Here’s the general principle:
More is better than less.
Sooner is better than later.
Mo’ sooner is much mo’ betta.
That’s a universal truth in investing.
Yet paradoxically, younger folks will delay receiving gobs of cash flow in favor of growing their capital as quickly, but safely as they can. Meanwhile, older investors will eschew further capital growth in favor of achieving maximum cash flow. But the above mentioned principle applies to both. The difference is, you, as the investor, must provide the strategic timing by way of the choices you make in tactics along the way.
In other words, know in advance exactly what you want more of, sooner. Very seldom do bad things happen when investors are goin’ about their long term business with a clearly defined Plan — executed on Purpose.
Time also has velocity. Does something happen sooner? Or, does it happen later? ‘Course, the million dollar question is — whenever it happened, was it planned? When investing in real estate understanding precisely when you want an event to happen is often crucial to the successful execution of your overall Plan. An example is cash flow vs capital growth, a subject about which I’ve written extensively here. Your timing for either one might be pure poison to the next guy over, who’s sportin’ a 20 year age difference.
When talkin’ about turning a buck into more than a buck, we universally prefer sooner over later, and more rather than less, right? Right. Setting safety aside for the moment, the faster our capital grows, the better we like it. The bigger piles of cash we create are better than smaller piles. None of this is E = mc2. We generally do better as investors when things grow more quickly, and returns are better when they grow to larger amounts. Captain Obvious lives.
We must ensure our understanding of time, money, growth, and strategy aren’t convoluted when it comes to planning. It’s one thing to understand the time value of money, so to speak. It’s quite another to use that knowledge in a coherent strategy or strategies.
Here’s the general principle:
More is better than less.
Sooner is better than later.
Mo’ sooner is much mo’ betta.
That’s a universal truth in investing.
Yet paradoxically, younger folks will delay receiving gobs of cash flow in favor of growing their capital as quickly, but safely as they can. Meanwhile, older investors will eschew further capital growth in favor of achieving maximum cash flow. But the above mentioned principle applies to both. The difference is, you, as the investor, must provide the strategic timing by way of the choices you make in tactics along the way.
In other words, know in advance exactly what you want more of, sooner. Very seldom do bad things happen when investors are goin’ about their long term business with a clearly defined Plan — executed on Purpose.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
In Realty Customer Service Should Be A Luxury!
“The greatest danger for a luxury firm is to lose its status as a differentiated, premium brand, but wealthy consumer perceptions suggest that luxury overall may be in danger of losing its cachet,” said Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute. “This calls for a renewal of efforts to be unique and exclusive and to execute well on customer service.
How does this apply to luxury real estate marketing? Real estate as a profession is a service business, real estate agents and brokers are service professionals.
Wealthy consumers look forward to quality service in the luxury real estate market. I find that in any business the persons that are thriving in their markets are the ones that are always on the ball because their customer service is remarkable. They are easy to access, willing to share their insights, passionate about their marketplace, return calls and emails promptly and are a delight to talk to. One of the top market leaders recently told me that you have to be nice to everybody regardless who they are or what their status in life is. He returns everyone’s calls personally. As a result his client lists grows and referrals are plentiful.
If social media, websites and google were all taken away excellent service, manners and incredible communication skills will be all that is left to run a real estate business. Possessing the skills that allow you to render quality customer service to your clients are sometimes the only things that matter. You must become relationship oriented, network face to face and practice the fundamentals of business. Tech should not be the priority focus in your success equation.
Luxury by definition implies rarity and exclusivity. Given the results from the Luxury Institute, it is evident that customer service is a key indicator in choosing a brand/service professional. People will remember you for your luxurious service. In realty practice, I feel that customer service should take priority, and technology should facilitate customer service.
How does this apply to luxury real estate marketing? Real estate as a profession is a service business, real estate agents and brokers are service professionals.
Wealthy consumers look forward to quality service in the luxury real estate market. I find that in any business the persons that are thriving in their markets are the ones that are always on the ball because their customer service is remarkable. They are easy to access, willing to share their insights, passionate about their marketplace, return calls and emails promptly and are a delight to talk to. One of the top market leaders recently told me that you have to be nice to everybody regardless who they are or what their status in life is. He returns everyone’s calls personally. As a result his client lists grows and referrals are plentiful.
If social media, websites and google were all taken away excellent service, manners and incredible communication skills will be all that is left to run a real estate business. Possessing the skills that allow you to render quality customer service to your clients are sometimes the only things that matter. You must become relationship oriented, network face to face and practice the fundamentals of business. Tech should not be the priority focus in your success equation.
Luxury by definition implies rarity and exclusivity. Given the results from the Luxury Institute, it is evident that customer service is a key indicator in choosing a brand/service professional. People will remember you for your luxurious service. In realty practice, I feel that customer service should take priority, and technology should facilitate customer service.
Monday, 6 February 2012
How To Get Your House Sold!!!
How long has your property been sitting on the market without any offers or signs of selling? How much longer are you going to wait until you take action to find out why your house is not selling and what can be done to make your property stand out from the competition? Here are the three most important steps to help you get your house sold!
* Price to Sell! Seems easy enough but many sellers make the mistake of over-pricing their property. Avoid this costly and painful mistake by getting an appraisal done, a report that determines the market value of the property based on investigation, data, and analysis rather than subjective feelings. If you price your property correctly at the beginning, the likelihood of selling within the first few weeks is much higher. Overpriced properties sit on the market for months and months and sellers usually end up lowering the price or accepting lower than usual offers because they have become desperate to sell.
* Stage to Sell! Would you send out an incomplete resume and expect a call back? Look at your property from the buyer’s perspective. If the first impression does not Wow or say Buy Me Now, then your buyer will move onto the next one. Highlight the best features of your home, make sure it is clean and presentable without clutter and remove anything that will detract from its beauty. A coat of fresh paint can go a long way and in a competitive market, staging the interior and enhancing the outside curb appeal of the property can help buyers to visualize your house as their new home.
* Market to Sell! You know you want to sell your property but are you using the most appropriate methods to reach your goal of selling? Putting a for sale sign on the fence and hoping qualified buyers come knocking at your door is not realistic in today's market. You must have an intelligent and effective marketing plan to bring those buyers in! Over 80% of people start their property search online and if you are not tapped into this you can expect your property to be forgotten or overlooked. Be smart and use the resources and guidance of a realtor to make sure your property receives maximum exposure. Ask for a comprehensive report detailing how your property will be marketed to qualified buyers and listen to the feedback your realtor has received from potential buyers.
The purchase of a home is the biggest buy a person will make and should be treated with professionalism and due diligence. There is no guarantee that your house will sell in x amount of time but by following these 3 steps you will be heading in the right direction. Please email or call me for further assistance or for any questions you might have.
* Price to Sell! Seems easy enough but many sellers make the mistake of over-pricing their property. Avoid this costly and painful mistake by getting an appraisal done, a report that determines the market value of the property based on investigation, data, and analysis rather than subjective feelings. If you price your property correctly at the beginning, the likelihood of selling within the first few weeks is much higher. Overpriced properties sit on the market for months and months and sellers usually end up lowering the price or accepting lower than usual offers because they have become desperate to sell.
* Stage to Sell! Would you send out an incomplete resume and expect a call back? Look at your property from the buyer’s perspective. If the first impression does not Wow or say Buy Me Now, then your buyer will move onto the next one. Highlight the best features of your home, make sure it is clean and presentable without clutter and remove anything that will detract from its beauty. A coat of fresh paint can go a long way and in a competitive market, staging the interior and enhancing the outside curb appeal of the property can help buyers to visualize your house as their new home.
* Market to Sell! You know you want to sell your property but are you using the most appropriate methods to reach your goal of selling? Putting a for sale sign on the fence and hoping qualified buyers come knocking at your door is not realistic in today's market. You must have an intelligent and effective marketing plan to bring those buyers in! Over 80% of people start their property search online and if you are not tapped into this you can expect your property to be forgotten or overlooked. Be smart and use the resources and guidance of a realtor to make sure your property receives maximum exposure. Ask for a comprehensive report detailing how your property will be marketed to qualified buyers and listen to the feedback your realtor has received from potential buyers.
The purchase of a home is the biggest buy a person will make and should be treated with professionalism and due diligence. There is no guarantee that your house will sell in x amount of time but by following these 3 steps you will be heading in the right direction. Please email or call me for further assistance or for any questions you might have.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Is Your Home Getting The "Right" Exposure?....
Let's just say you were a film writer. You have an idea for an awesome film based on the fascinating life of a well renowned Bahamian Legend, that contributed to our history as we know it.
You're sure viewers will be receptive and your film a success.
Now - how will you get the film on the "big screens"? Your first thought may be to “self-promote” your film. You could make arrangements with the local film festivals to stir up some promotion. You could also seek to take your film abroad on your own.
Think your film would hit the “Academy Award Winner” list with that approach? Probably not. Would your film be more likely to make millions if you had an “experienced manager”? Absolutely - without question!
So why would you ever consider trying to sell your home without the professional assistance of a seasoned Bahamas Real Estate Association professional? Do you want your home to be a “Best Seller” at the top of every buyer's “must see” list - or merely an under exposed “wanna be” languishing on the market?
Your Bahamas Real Estate Association rep is a combination of publicist, promoter, publisher, and brilliant “ringmaster” appealing to people of all ages to call their attention to your home in the “centre ring.”
Your real estate agent will use a variety of methods to give your Bahamas home maximum exposure, including their private list of prospects and contacts, not to mention the real estate professionals they network with on a daily basis to find the right purchaser for your home.
With these tremendous resources a sale is virtually assured, provided your Bahamas real estate is priced correctly. Ready to sell? Now that the local banks are set to reduce lending rates, this is a great time to think about selling. Get represented!
You're sure viewers will be receptive and your film a success.
Now - how will you get the film on the "big screens"? Your first thought may be to “self-promote” your film. You could make arrangements with the local film festivals to stir up some promotion. You could also seek to take your film abroad on your own.
Think your film would hit the “Academy Award Winner” list with that approach? Probably not. Would your film be more likely to make millions if you had an “experienced manager”? Absolutely - without question!
So why would you ever consider trying to sell your home without the professional assistance of a seasoned Bahamas Real Estate Association professional? Do you want your home to be a “Best Seller” at the top of every buyer's “must see” list - or merely an under exposed “wanna be” languishing on the market?
Your Bahamas Real Estate Association rep is a combination of publicist, promoter, publisher, and brilliant “ringmaster” appealing to people of all ages to call their attention to your home in the “centre ring.”
Your real estate agent will use a variety of methods to give your Bahamas home maximum exposure, including their private list of prospects and contacts, not to mention the real estate professionals they network with on a daily basis to find the right purchaser for your home.
With these tremendous resources a sale is virtually assured, provided your Bahamas real estate is priced correctly. Ready to sell? Now that the local banks are set to reduce lending rates, this is a great time to think about selling. Get represented!
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Investing In The Bahamas. Did you know?....
The Bahamas continues to flourish as a second home destination for many of our foreign friends. Still, many others don't foray into investing in The Bahamas because their perception is that the costs may be too high in comparison to investing in other tropical destinations. Besides the fact that we are the closest island nation to North America and travel to and from our beautiful archipelago is easier, faster and cheaper than ever, we have a stable economy and our dollar value is on par with the US dollar. Here are some answers to other common questions that may surprise you about investing in The Bahamas:
How much is real property tax in The Bahamas? Real property tax for owner occupied property in The Bahamas is very inexpensive in comparison to other destinations. For the first $250,000 in value the property is exempt from real property tax. The next $250,000 in value is taxed at 1% and anything over $500,000 is taxed at .75%. So, a $600,000 beachfront condo would be $3,250 per year!
Is there any income or sales tax in The Bahamas? None whatsoever! The government relies on import duties on goods for their tax revenue.
How much is building insurance? For comprehensive insurance coverage in The Bahamas, which includes hurricane coverage, the calculation is roughly 1.5% of the sum insured.
As one can plainly see, the carrying costs to own your little piece of Paradise are exceptionally reasonable! If you would like more information on the beautiful island nation of The Bahamas please feel free to contact me anytime! I really enjoy sharing my experiences here and look forward to welcoming many more friends to The Bahamas!!
How much is real property tax in The Bahamas? Real property tax for owner occupied property in The Bahamas is very inexpensive in comparison to other destinations. For the first $250,000 in value the property is exempt from real property tax. The next $250,000 in value is taxed at 1% and anything over $500,000 is taxed at .75%. So, a $600,000 beachfront condo would be $3,250 per year!
Is there any income or sales tax in The Bahamas? None whatsoever! The government relies on import duties on goods for their tax revenue.
How much is building insurance? For comprehensive insurance coverage in The Bahamas, which includes hurricane coverage, the calculation is roughly 1.5% of the sum insured.
As one can plainly see, the carrying costs to own your little piece of Paradise are exceptionally reasonable! If you would like more information on the beautiful island nation of The Bahamas please feel free to contact me anytime! I really enjoy sharing my experiences here and look forward to welcoming many more friends to The Bahamas!!
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Benefits of MLS
Before I lose you let me clear up the alphabet soup in the title. MLS is the acronym for Multiple Listing Service. That acronym means a lot to you, if you are or intend to be in the real estate market. If you are a seller in today's market you must know that getting your property on the MLS gives it so much more exposure and exposure sells real estate. The catch there is that only MLS members have the ability to post properties on the MLS so you better be using an MLS agent.
If you are looking to purchase real estate it would be in your benefit to find a Realtor that has an MLS subscription because they have the ability to find you the real estate you want in a shorter period of time. Since your goal is to find what you want on the real estate market yesterday choosing an agent
that has MLS access is the way to go, because they can access the larger portion of listed real estate on one centralized database. And now lets assume that you are looking to put your property on the market, again, choosing a realtor that has a MLS presence puts you at a greater advantage, it gives your property added exposure. Your property is now easier to find instead of being on one real estate company's site its on a site that everyone goes to first, The Bahamas MLS.
There are definitely some other and more important issues as it relates to deciding on a real estate agent to represent you in buying or selling but one that has an MLS presence is a sign that your agent is serious about client representation.
If you are looking to purchase real estate it would be in your benefit to find a Realtor that has an MLS subscription because they have the ability to find you the real estate you want in a shorter period of time. Since your goal is to find what you want on the real estate market yesterday choosing an agent
that has MLS access is the way to go, because they can access the larger portion of listed real estate on one centralized database. And now lets assume that you are looking to put your property on the market, again, choosing a realtor that has a MLS presence puts you at a greater advantage, it gives your property added exposure. Your property is now easier to find instead of being on one real estate company's site its on a site that everyone goes to first, The Bahamas MLS.
There are definitely some other and more important issues as it relates to deciding on a real estate agent to represent you in buying or selling but one that has an MLS presence is a sign that your agent is serious about client representation.
Monday, 30 January 2012
'The Bahamas' Ranked Top 5 For Family Life
The editors at ISLANDS recently named the Top 5 Islands for Families, which include The Bahamas, Maui, Sicily, St. Thomas and Fiji.
The islands of The Bahamas offer some of the best living and working conditions in the world. Modern infrastructure combined with an excellent climate, public and private schools, and a high standard of living add up to an unparalleled “vacation” lifestyle on these sub-tropical islands.
As a business location, The Bahamas offer proximity to the world’s largest markets, combined with effective air and sea transport, modern amenities and freedom from taxes and duties.
For housing, there is a huge selection of properties – everything from low-income starter homes on Grand Bahama Islands and Nassau apartments for rent, to million-dollar beach side villas and canal side properties.
The Islands of The Bahamas has more than 700 islands and 200 cays for you to visit and each one paradise in their own respects. The many people who have traveled to The Bahamas on business or vacation and then returned to take up permanent or seasonal residence know just this.
The islands of The Bahamas offer some of the best living and working conditions in the world. Modern infrastructure combined with an excellent climate, public and private schools, and a high standard of living add up to an unparalleled “vacation” lifestyle on these sub-tropical islands.
As a business location, The Bahamas offer proximity to the world’s largest markets, combined with effective air and sea transport, modern amenities and freedom from taxes and duties.
For housing, there is a huge selection of properties – everything from low-income starter homes on Grand Bahama Islands and Nassau apartments for rent, to million-dollar beach side villas and canal side properties.
The Islands of The Bahamas has more than 700 islands and 200 cays for you to visit and each one paradise in their own respects. The many people who have traveled to The Bahamas on business or vacation and then returned to take up permanent or seasonal residence know just this.
Friday, 27 January 2012
Home Buyers Lose $81K Over Stamp Duty 'Loophole'
Some 32 first-time Bahamian home buyers have collectively lost almost $81,000.00 because there is nothing in statue law to allow the refund of Stamp Duty mistakenly paid on their real estate purchases. the House of Assembly's Public Accounts Committee, in this interim report tabled January 25, 2012, urged that this legislative deficiency be remedied as "soon as possible" and prior to the upcoming 2012 general election, describing the absence of a refund provision as "unfair"!!
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Second Home Ownership
Inevitably, when people visit the Islands of The Bahamas, they have such a wonderful time in our sub-tropical climate conditions, they do not want to leave.
Imagine spending the holidays surrounded by sparkling blue water and powder white sand. A place where ‘snow day’ is a foreign term because in this subtropical climate the temperature never drops below 65 in the winter. Now imagine owning a little piece of this magical place. It’s possible, says Rachel Pinder, principle broker at Island Living Real Estate, because this place is the Bahamas.
If you are thinking about buying a second home, you are not alone! The main reason for second home ownership and even seasonal migration, is physical comfort – escape from winter’s cold and summer’s heat. And the Bahamas is the perfect place for that. In terms of second homes, the Bahamas offers unparalleled accessibility and luxury than many neighboring islands.”
Imagine spending the holidays surrounded by sparkling blue water and powder white sand. A place where ‘snow day’ is a foreign term because in this subtropical climate the temperature never drops below 65 in the winter. Now imagine owning a little piece of this magical place. It’s possible, says Rachel Pinder, principle broker at Island Living Real Estate, because this place is the Bahamas.
If you are thinking about buying a second home, you are not alone! The main reason for second home ownership and even seasonal migration, is physical comfort – escape from winter’s cold and summer’s heat. And the Bahamas is the perfect place for that. In terms of second homes, the Bahamas offers unparalleled accessibility and luxury than many neighboring islands.”
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Spring Is Fast Approaching
There is nothing like a spring real estate market. Offers fly over FAX machines and cell phones ring constantly. Everybody wants a deal, and everybody wants to sell. Typically the marketplace is flooded with inventory. There is more on the market in the spring than any other time of the year. Soon as the For Sale signs are mounted on the posts, swarms of activity buzz in the streets as sellers, buyers and real estate agents crawl out from wherever they hibernated for the winter to welcome the spring sales season. A good piece of advise would be to get the ball rolling now as it's the early bird that gets the worm!
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