Thursday, 5 April 2012

Company Branding Start With Trust

Developing a personal or company brand for luxury real estate marketing professionals involves the same branding process that is required by any major corporation. The fundamentals are the same whether you are targeting the upper demographic or Middle America, whether you offer a product or a service, locally, regionally or globally. The primary goal of branding or rebranding is regaining, obtaining and retaining trust.

Here is an overview of the branding process:

1.Take the time to understand the most pressing needs of your customers or clients in the context of your capacity to fill that need.
2.Tune in to your own “DNA” and determine precisely what your unique promise of value is or can be in that context.
3.Distill that promise of value into a compelling marketing message that can be expressed in just a few words.
4.Craft a symbol (logo/brand identity) that further accelerates the speed of communication of that promise of value and also the speed of trust
5.Align all of your marketing efforts (from the first contact with your client to the follow up after the sale) in such a way that you consistently communicate this singular message

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