Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Luxury Is A Soul Supplement

Reaching international buyers is increasingly becoming a significant component of your luxury real estate marketing practice. For that reason it is important to understand what luxury means to those in foreign countries because it can vary dramatically. But, what you will find is a common thread shared between luxury real estate buyers worldwide. Thoroughly understanding this universal principle can help you accelerate the speed of trust with all new clients and also can give you a tremendous competitive edge.

In our own strategic branding practice for luxury real estate agents and brokers worldwide we constantly look for new definitions of luxury. We found this very profound definition in the primary title of a book written by Jean Philippe Warren, professor of sociology and anthropology at Concordia University in Canada: Le Supplément d’ âme (“the supplement of the soul”). We interpret this as “that which feeds or adds to the soul”.

And, herein lies, the universal principle that can help you understand luxury buyers and better speak their language. You need to determine, what feeds the soul of your client!

Credit for this post goes to Ron & Alexandra Seigel

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Importance Of A Buyer's Agent

Many home buyers view a real estate agent as someone who just opens up a home for them, providing little other value. While this may be true in some cases, many agents wear a lot of different hats and actually bring a lot of skills to the table.

Today’s post will shed some light on things a good buyer’s agent does and why you should use one if buying a home.

1. Preview homes in advance – No reason to pull up to a home that is located next to a commercial building ( that was conveniently not mentioned in the on-line description ). Previewing in advance saves your time.

2. Has knowledge of the local inventory.

3. Provides “insider information” – knowledge of homes that will soon be coming on the market or ones whose sellers are extremely motivated.

4. Educates their clients on the different areas.

5. Is proactive to find you a home. A good agent will call their buyers about a new home on the market or coming on the market BEFORE the buyer has a chance to call them.

6. Will refer you to another quality agent if they don’t service the area in which you want to buy.

7. Thoroughly explains the buying process.

8. Will take additional photos or video of a home or neighborhood and email them to you. Especially important to out of town buyers.

9.Gets you information not readily available on-line.

10. Refers you to trusted lenders, inspectors, and contractors.

Remember, this is just a small sampling of things a good buyer’s agent will do for you. This list doesn’t even get into some of the more complicated parts of the process such as negotiating and inspections, things that can be very stressful and emotionally intense.

Many of us are more than merely door openers. We bring experience and knowledge to the real estate transaction. The best part is that we represent your best interests only and the seller pays our fee.